Monday, 4 July 2011

Little Sienna

I took some more photos of more gorgeous little niece the other day.  She is such a co-operative little model, always smiling and laughing.  We went to the lake at forest lake and just strolled around, relaxing.  Sienna's nanna was there too so we got some shots with her.  It was a great shoot - relaxing and casual.  Love her to bits.

Chipper Hair and Beauty competition finalist

A couple of months ago I got to experience a different kind of shoot - a hair style session.  It was a lot of fun and the shoot was to be entered into a competition for Chipper Hair and Beauty.  Well the other day I recieved some awesome news that the photos the photos made it to the finalist stage and then won the national competition.  This is super exciting and I'm so happy to have had this experience.  Congratulations to Scott and Alison at Chipper Hair and Beauty!

Zac and his family

A couple of weeks ago I had the pleasure of photographing the most gorgeous 4 month old - Zac, and his lovely parents.  The session went really well and I was able to get some super cute shots of Zac playing with his feet - this was his favorite thing to do!

Sunday, 5 June 2011


My eldest son, Clinton, is such a perfect and willing little model  - as long as mummy bribes him with a special treat from the bakery afterwards! ;)

Zak and Sam

I was fortunate enough to take some shots of my good friends two beautiful, fun and cheeky children the other day.  It looked to be lots of fun (especially since I had brought my own rugrat to join in the fun).  So we started shooting and within 10mins the rain started falling!  I managed to get in a couple of cute ones - will have to venture out another day, hopefully with better luck!

Saturday, 21 May 2011

New Art Prints

As part of your photo shoot I am now offering personalised art prints.  Available in sizes 8x12 and 10x15 they are made with 3 to 4 of the best shots which come together to tell a little story.

Wednesday, 18 May 2011

Chipper Hair and Beauty

I had the opportunity to do a little bit of a different shoot to what I am used to recently.  I was asked to do a modeling shoot for the local hairdresser - Chipper Hair and Beauty.  It was a lot of fun and the clients were very happy with the finished product.  Thanks to Alison and Scott for the opportunity.